...Our Family...

Monday, April 13, 2009


I don't even know how to begin this post I am so tired and so excited at the same time. Though I crave sleep, I need to get this all out. First of all, there are so many of us that I can't get pictures up until tomorrow morning. Rest assured that, if we have power, you will see our Tongue Beast!
They are keeping us SO BUSY (eating, paperwork, shopping, more eating, etc. We are the only people we know who will be coming home having gained weight in Africa!) so, sorry to my stalkers out there who have been waiting all day!
Today was magical, surreal, perfect, GOD ORDAINED BLESSED!!! I was not nervous as much as excited and nauseated. Chad was Chad, only with a bigger smile ;0)
I didn't cry all that much which I am proud of! When we got to the TH Duni told the bus (that's right, we're such a large group we're in a BUS) that KULPS would be going first. We are so excited. However, sweet Micah David was sleeping in the TH! So, Chad and I left the group and walked into a large room with cribs, couches, babies, nannies, etc. He was all the way in the back sleeping like an angel. He had his feet together (NO muscle tone at all) and was so gorgeous. I began to rub his belly and he opened his eyes.
What can I say? He is the most perfect child for our family that we could ever imagine. He rarely gave us the typical Micah skeptical look but was sleepy for a little while. Once he warmed up, man oh man, ALL SMILES!!! That's right, the baby who NEVER smiles smiled for his mommy from the very beginning. Not a tear, not a whimper, just smiles and laughter. He loves his daddy as well. He grabs at everything and is SO curious. He dances, claps, laughs, and smiles...
So, first nickname given by Mommy and Daddy, tongue beast. Second name, given by the group. TANK. He is a TANK my friends- fat rolls galore, bigest belly ever, 12 month clothing TANK. What's so amazing about this fact? When asked, his nanny (the GORGEOUS young one Muluwork who loves him so much she has his picture on his phone) said "He was so malnourished, we expected him to die."
MIRACLE MICAH. We are in complete awe. Love seems to small and finite a word for how we feel about this child. He is God's painting of Redemption.
LET THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD SAY SO!!! My loves, we are SAYING SO tonight. My favorite moment of the day was watching my sweet man hold his new son and say, with tears in his eyes, "He's perfect, just perfect for us."
He is a joy boy and we were sad to leave him. We will be even sadder to leave his nanny tomorrow. Please PRAY for Muluwork and her heart. She loves him so and wispers in his ear all day "Asrat, O' dehalo" or Asrat, I love you.  Breaks my heart and fills it at the same time. How is this possible?
Also, please pray for Micah David and the other children at the TH. Mommy, Micah has Chicken spots. Davie will have to stay away. No worries my friends, he'll be just fine. Dev has already been vaccinated and we've both had it before.
Also, please pray for my stomach as I am having lots of pains tonight.
On to the notes. At this point Iam going to just ramble from exhaustion. The TH is big and roomy with empty rooms. The nannies are pure love. The children are happy and loving (even with chicken spots).
Sherry- Sorry we got cut off. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY and can't begin to express my love for your children. They are PURE LOVE


becca lacock said...

i love you guys and am so happy for you. my heart is filled with joy as you are with your precious baby!!! i can't stop crying tears of happiness for you.:)
i can't wait to meet him! i love you all.:) hugs and kisses from PA.

Melissa Juvinall said...

Oh, Kim, Muluwork was Iona's nanny too! We LOVE her!! Please tell her Nardos's mommy and daddy say hello. And tell her Iona is now eating real food, not baby food anymore! Please give her a huge hug for us if you can.
Love, Melissa Juvinall

The Prieto's said...

So, so happy for you!!! We all can't wait to meet the new man in your life!!! Can't help but cry when I think of the first time that you saw lil' Micah Moo. Love you all.