...Our Family...

Monday, February 2, 2009

You Know It's Bad When You're A Sermon Illustration

For weeks, actually. ;0)

When you're a sermon illustration for 10 straight weeks (and cried at EVERY one) you know that...

-You're going through something really hard and uncommon and EVERYONE knows it.
-People are praying for you. 
-There's no where to hide from the people who are praying for you.

-Your pastor needs new, better, less fragile material. 
-Your preacher loves you and knows you well.
-It might be time for a new preacher who doesn't know you so well. (Sorry Fodale ;0)

-God is trying to get your attention.
-You can't hide from God, even in church when you sit in the back row and try to hide from everyone who knows you and is praying for you.
-Hiding from people is impossible when you're sobbing in the back row. 

-Someone always has kleenex.
-People have begun to bring kleenex just for you.
-There's not enough kleenex in the world.

-That God is moving others through your journey and pain.
-That God is working IN your journey and pain.
-That you are not ALONE in your journey and pain.
-That God HIMSELF IS IN your journey and pain.
-That the God who passed by His prophets and HIS OWN SON will never pass you by because of that son.

-That THAT'S all you really need to know and remember.

So, Fodale, keep 'em comin'. We can take it and will be the better for it (but we'll need to buy stock in Kleenex and might not talk to you for a while ;0)


Kari said...

Kim, so sorry such a tough day for your heart!!! We love you & holding your hands....praying!!!!!!
Go to my blog & share a "gumdrop" for me to pray for this week.

Jaime said...

this made me laugh today, kim. because it is so true.... what about...you know its bad "when you are a YG household name". our family remembers yours...praying for your Expedited Court Date!!!