...Our Family...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Hey All~
We have been so rocked the past 2 days by the news of precious Etsy's death. It's been tough to stay connected to Micah when we feel so distant and when there are so many unknowns. A wise spiritual mother challenged me to be thankful, to return to what I KNOW, and praise God for this. So, here's my list.

~I am thankful for a God who does not give up on His children, even when they make the same stupid mistakes over and over again, even when they forget the power of His love.
~I am thankful for a God who LOVES me enough to trust me with children and to teach me through them.
~I am thankful for a God who LOVES me enough to give up His own child for me, even when I forget His love for me.
~For King David and his Psalms which are balm to my wounds.
~I am thankful for the love of a husband who continues to love me when I overreact, am overemotional and prideful, and generally acting crazy ;0)! I love you Chad.
~I am thankful for the love of a child who, when he sees his Mommy crying, runs both hands down my face (the WHOLE hand) and says "Sss alright, Mommy. Don't cry!" and then tucks his arms into my chest and ROCK ROCKS ME!
~I am thankful for a SON, Micah, in Ethiopia who is challenging me already, who is requiring me to grow in ways I don't want, and who is waiting for me to be his mommy.
~I am thankful for wonderful family, friends and spiritual mothers who validate my feelings and then gently remind me of what is TRUE despite of them.
~I am thankful for chocolate, red wine, popcorn, and a husband who doesn't care if I get fat! ;0) I REALLY love you Chad!
~I am thankful for these trials as I know they will make me into the woman God wants and my children and husband need. This has proved true before and will be proved true again if I let myself see the beauty in each ounce of sorrow.

Thankfulness is what God requires and is what is best for our souls. What are you thankful for today?


1 comment:

Jody Britton said...

On my way to my blog right now to "make my list". Thanks for the challenge! :)