Micah is oh so small, off the charts for even 3rd world infants! So, we are obviously concerned for his health and growth as we will not get to see him or care for him for at least 10 weeks. So, I called the social worker and here is what I found out.
- Micah is from a very poor area (I know Africa is poor but he is from a REALLY poor area) and was given to an orphanage that is just starting out. This orphanage couldn't really care for him in the way he needed.
- When his paperwork was ready he was given to our agency and placed in the transitional home in Addis. They DID NOT refer him because he was so malnourished.
- Since being in the TH for over a month, Micah has grown so much! Duni, the program director, said she was ecstatic at his level of growth and that she expects him to continue to grow and fatten up while he is there.
- Contrary to some worries about care, the TH is doing all that they can to keep the babies healthy including hiring the "Dr. to the stars" Dr. Sophia who also treated Angelina Jolie's daughter Zahara while in Ethiopia.
All of this is to say that GOD is in control of our child, caring for him, watching over him, and will bring Micah home at just the right moment. Honestly, we received Micah's referral at a time when we thought we were going to SNAP if we had to wait one more day. God's timing really is perfect and meets all of our needs. To think, if we had gotten a referral sooner, we wouldn't have Micah...
Please continue to PRAY for Micah's health and well being and that we would receive a court date in November so that we can travel in December.