...Our Family...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

4 Days to Court-----PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!

We're 4 days from our third court appearance, and hopefully our last! The nerves and jitters have set in but we are believing in FAITH that April 1st will be the day we can introduce you to our son Micah. What a long and painful journey this has been! We pray that this week is full of JOY, JOY, JOY!

We've had a hard time praying lately for our adoption as, well, we've said it all over the past 6 months. There's not much we can say that our God hasn't heard from our lips over and over again. So, we're keeping it simple.

Here's our prayer:

Father, you know our hearts. We have walked this journey to Micah for 6 months with you and we've come to a place of peace. Please fulfill your plans for our son. Release him into our hands on Wednesday that he might come and join this family forever. We long to have him with us, finally, to have our hearts complete. May April 1st be the day that we can call him ours.

May you receive all the praise and glory.



Debi said...

Sweet Kim,
I am praying for a victory day on April 1.
God sees your faith, God hears your prayers, God knows your heart, God cries with you, God is faithful and will fulfill His promise. God's timing and ways are perfect. Rest in His love for you and Micah David. Choose joy today.
Love and hugs and prayers,

Kari said...

We are praying!!!!! We can't wait to see what God has planned!! We can't wait to see Micah in your arms:))
love you & keep us updated!!!