Tuesday, March 31, 2009
"Our HOPE is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and rightousness."
Tomorrow, no matter what the outcome, our hearts will not be sick because our hope will not be deferred. Our HOPE is in our God and the victory he has already claimed for our son, for our family, for our very lives.
We are fervently praying that we can claim God's victory over Micah David's life tomorrow and share him with you. Please pray this with us!
This journey has been so long but we have not walked one step alone. Our PORTION has been with us every step, every day, darkness and light, pain and joy, through it all.
Our God has gone before us in this battle and we are walking peacefully in His big, comforting shadow!
"The Lord has promised GOOD to me, His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and PORTION be whatever we edure."
(I took liberties with the ending ;0)
31 For who is God besides the LORD ?
And who is the Rock except our God?
32 It is God who arms me with strength
and makes my way perfect.
33 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;
32 It is God who arms me with strength
and makes my way perfect.
33 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;
he enables me to stand on the heights.
34 He trains my hands for battle;
34 He trains my hands for battle;
my arms can bend a bow of bronze.
35 You give me your shield of victory,
35 You give me your shield of victory,
and your right hand sustains me;
you stoop down to make me great.
36 You broaden the path beneath me,
so that my ankles do not turn.
We pray that God will continue to BROADEN our path,
all the way to Ethiopia and our Micah David!!!!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
1 Night Until Court
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7
knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7
It's amazing how far we have come in this adoption process. So many days and nights of waiting have all been leading to this one date, April 1st.
We are one night away from our third, and hopefully final, court appearance. While we were nervous and stressed the other 2 times we went to court, this house is at complete ease this third time. We have come to accept that God's will is best, even though it can be painful.
Micah is in God's hands and we don't want to take him out of those capable hands despite our immense love for him. We know he is right where he needs to be!
Please continue to pray for his release to his forever family.
We ask because God loves orphans,
We ask because we love Micah,
We ask because we love Micah,
We ask because we were loved first.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
3 Days To Court- Faith and Fear
We've had serious deja vous in this house for the past week. The pressure is mounting, the thoughts carried away from the now to Wednesday, the daydreams have begun. The court dance is in full swing. Will we pass? What will it feel like to finally have good news, to finally be able to introduce you to our son? What will happen if something goes wrong, again?
The questions are endless and exasperating. Today we awoke with a strong feeling of peace and excitement.
NOW IS THE TIME. Now is the time for courage, now is the time for faith, now is the time for fear.
Yes, fear. The RIGHT kind of fear can serve you well in hard times, a lesson we have learned in the past few months.
"I am a God who is near. I am also a God who is far away," declares the LORD. Jeremiah 23:23
We serve a MIGHTY God who is able to do all things, more than we can ask or imagine. He is HUGE, He is EVERYWHERE, He knows EVERYTHING. This is scary and brings us to our knees.
He is a God to be feared. And that fear is liberating, inspiring, and comforting.
Today we are comforted by our fear, good fear, righteous fear. Because we fear our God, we do not fear Tuesday. You see, our great and mighty God is FOR US. He is working on our behalf, purposing good and kindness in ways we can only dream of. How great is that!
Once you fear your Lord, and know that He is on your side in all of his awesomeness and might, what else is there?
What a relief!
The questions are endless and exasperating. Today we awoke with a strong feeling of peace and excitement.
NOW IS THE TIME. Now is the time for courage, now is the time for faith, now is the time for fear.
Yes, fear. The RIGHT kind of fear can serve you well in hard times, a lesson we have learned in the past few months.
"I am a God who is near. I am also a God who is far away," declares the LORD. Jeremiah 23:23
We serve a MIGHTY God who is able to do all things, more than we can ask or imagine. He is HUGE, He is EVERYWHERE, He knows EVERYTHING. This is scary and brings us to our knees.
He is a God to be feared. And that fear is liberating, inspiring, and comforting.
Today we are comforted by our fear, good fear, righteous fear. Because we fear our God, we do not fear Tuesday. You see, our great and mighty God is FOR US. He is working on our behalf, purposing good and kindness in ways we can only dream of. How great is that!
Once you fear your Lord, and know that He is on your side in all of his awesomeness and might, what else is there?
What a relief!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
4 Days to Court-----PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!
We're 4 days from our third court appearance, and hopefully our last! The nerves and jitters have set in but we are believing in FAITH that April 1st will be the day we can introduce you to our son Micah. What a long and painful journey this has been! We pray that this week is full of JOY, JOY, JOY!
We've had a hard time praying lately for our adoption as, well, we've said it all over the past 6 months. There's not much we can say that our God hasn't heard from our lips over and over again. So, we're keeping it simple.
Here's our prayer:
Father, you know our hearts. We have walked this journey to Micah for 6 months with you and we've come to a place of peace. Please fulfill your plans for our son. Release him into our hands on Wednesday that he might come and join this family forever. We long to have him with us, finally, to have our hearts complete. May April 1st be the day that we can call him ours.
May you receive all the praise and glory.
We've had a hard time praying lately for our adoption as, well, we've said it all over the past 6 months. There's not much we can say that our God hasn't heard from our lips over and over again. So, we're keeping it simple.
Here's our prayer:
Father, you know our hearts. We have walked this journey to Micah for 6 months with you and we've come to a place of peace. Please fulfill your plans for our son. Release him into our hands on Wednesday that he might come and join this family forever. We long to have him with us, finally, to have our hearts complete. May April 1st be the day that we can call him ours.
May you receive all the praise and glory.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
6 Month Referralversary..Record Breakers
We received our referral for Micah 6 months ago.
It's official, we've set the record for longest time between referral and passing court/travel.
No medals, please.
No reminders of this record necessary, it's seared into our hearts.
What we have: hundreds of pictures, countless updates from our agency, 1 updated homestudy, 1 updated 797-C, 2 unsuccessful court dates, 1 looming court date that could be successful or unsuccessful, hundreds of people praying, newborn clothing that needs a good home, matching Christmas, Valentines, Easter shirts that will go unworn, an empty crib, an empty bouncy seat, empty arms, bad sinus infections, double ear infections, broken washer, toilet, doors, hearts, a God who promises good if we follow Him, no idea where we're going...
What we don't have...Micah.
We believe the Lord is on our side and that we will be victorious, someday...Hopefully April 1st.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy 4 Year Metchaversary!!!!!!!!!
4 years ago today we walked into a hospital as a couple, but emerged, 4 hours later,
love sick parents.
The desire of our hearts had been granted in the form of a
7 pound 9 ounce little angel who only had one name,
Devon Michael Isaiah,
you have always been our joy-boy, our heart song,
God's love and redemption for our family on this earth.
Thank you for your sweetness, your energy, your empathy, your light.
You are forever our sunshine.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Crasher, Basher, Dasher
Buddha Belly
Running, jumping, sliding
Irresistable Smile
Big Heart
Infectious Laugh
Pixar Junkie
"God Loves Me!!!"
You are our Heart, our Joy, our GIFT!
Will you ever know how loved you are?
Our love for you takes our breath away.
You are our oldest, our first, our passion, our dream,
4 years ago today your birth mother gave you life and,
without knowing it, breathed life into our family and hearts forever.
Thank you A, for this amazing gift of JOY and LOVE.
You are forever in our hearts.
You are our HERO.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Meet Isaiah, Josiah, and Lydia. They need YOU!!
Isaiah Semlow is such a sweet and happy child. In EVERY picture he is grinning from ear to hear with infectious joy. He loves to wave his hand right in front of his face to show his excitement at having his picture taken. He can often be found in Micah David's pictures, playing with him and loving on him. His heart is SO BIG!!
Josiah Semlow has the most beautiful hair and lips at the transitional home. He's expressive and you can always tell how he's feeling. He's a big boy, almost as big as his older brother, and loves to be thrown in the air. He's also known to be a little curious around the AWAA office at the TH, getting into the office supplies and generally being a curious George!
Lydia Semlow is the most STUNNING, dark, doe-eyed baby girl I've ever seen. My heart swells with love for her as I type. She has a sweet little belly (that I can't wait to rub) and deep eyes that hold so much struggle and yet so much HOPE. She loves girlie things and kisses!
THESE ARE GOD'S CHILDREN loved and adored by a family waiting for them in Illinois. THEY ARE STUCK in a paperwork prison, waiting on ONE SIGNATURE so that they may be released to their forever family.
They are REAL, they are LOVED, they are ORPHANS who, because of a cruel world, are being held captive in Ethiopia.
They need your prayers. Please, wherever you are, pray for God to release these sweet babies to their forever family. They need YOU, we need YOU to pray for their salvation.
Isaiah, Josiah, and Lydia- Aunt Kim LOVES YOU so much. You're faces bring our family such joy and hope. God has wonderful plans for you and I feel so blessed to be a part of your journey to family. You are loved, you are miracles, you are blessed. Can you hear your loving Father singing over you? Can you hear your Mommy's cries for you? Oh children, that you would understand the depth and breadth and height of the love your family and Father have for you!!!!! One day, when the sorrow and pain of your life in Africa is melting away, Mommy and I will tell you of our love for you, of this hard and sorrowful journey to you, and of how we would DO IT ALL AGAIN just to watch you sleep in your beds and hear your soft, sweet breath at REST.
Isaiah Semlow is such a sweet and happy child. In EVERY picture he is grinning from ear to hear with infectious joy. He loves to wave his hand right in front of his face to show his excitement at having his picture taken. He can often be found in Micah David's pictures, playing with him and loving on him. His heart is SO BIG!!
Josiah Semlow has the most beautiful hair and lips at the transitional home. He's expressive and you can always tell how he's feeling. He's a big boy, almost as big as his older brother, and loves to be thrown in the air. He's also known to be a little curious around the AWAA office at the TH, getting into the office supplies and generally being a curious George!
Lydia Semlow is the most STUNNING, dark, doe-eyed baby girl I've ever seen. My heart swells with love for her as I type. She has a sweet little belly (that I can't wait to rub) and deep eyes that hold so much struggle and yet so much HOPE. She loves girlie things and kisses!
THESE ARE GOD'S CHILDREN loved and adored by a family waiting for them in Illinois. THEY ARE STUCK in a paperwork prison, waiting on ONE SIGNATURE so that they may be released to their forever family.
They are REAL, they are LOVED, they are ORPHANS who, because of a cruel world, are being held captive in Ethiopia.
They need your prayers. Please, wherever you are, pray for God to release these sweet babies to their forever family. They need YOU, we need YOU to pray for their salvation.
Isaiah, Josiah, and Lydia- Aunt Kim LOVES YOU so much. You're faces bring our family such joy and hope. God has wonderful plans for you and I feel so blessed to be a part of your journey to family. You are loved, you are miracles, you are blessed. Can you hear your loving Father singing over you? Can you hear your Mommy's cries for you? Oh children, that you would understand the depth and breadth and height of the love your family and Father have for you!!!!! One day, when the sorrow and pain of your life in Africa is melting away, Mommy and I will tell you of our love for you, of this hard and sorrowful journey to you, and of how we would DO IT ALL AGAIN just to watch you sleep in your beds and hear your soft, sweet breath at REST.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
New Court Date
We have a new court date of April 1st. We certainly wish it was sooner but know that God has it all worked out. We are very weary from this wait and are glad to finally have a possible end in sight (again ;0).
Perhaps the third time is the charm. You know what to do...
Perhaps the third time is the charm. You know what to do...
Monday, March 9, 2009
From Psalm 44
23 Awake, O Lord! Why do you sleep?
Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever.
24 Why do you hide your face,
24 Why do you hide your face,
and forget our misery and oppression?
25 We are brought down to the dust;
25 We are brought down to the dust;
our bodies cling to the ground.
26 Rise up and help us;
REDEEM us because of your unfailing love.
Friday, March 6, 2009
This is sheer MADDNESS.
The judge did not come to work today.
She will not be in on Monday either.
We have no idea when or how or why.
We aren't even sure he is ever going to come home.
Everyone else gets good news.
The other babies get to come home.
Broken doesn't even begin to describe how we feel.
It's the only word I can come up with.
We have to choose faith.
Faith is so hard.
An Undefeated Life
"Every Christian must experience the essence of the incarnation by bringing the next step down into flesh-and-blood reality and by working it out with his hands. We lose interest and give up when we have no vision, no encouragement, and no improvement, but only experience our everyday life with its trivial tasks.
The thing that really testifies for God and for the people of God in the long run is steady perseverance, even when the work cannot be seen by others. And the only way to live an undefeated life is to live looking to God. Ask God to keep the eyes of your spirit open to the risen Christ, and it will be impossible for drudgery to discourage you."
From "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers
No matter what may come, our attitude is one of VICTORY for we are walking a purposeful path.
Are you living an undefeated life?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tomorrow...The Waiting Dance
Duni was again unable to meet with the judge today to discuss Micah's case and assign a court date. This is getting REALLY OLD and trying to maintain an attitude of thankfulness has become a seemingly impossible feat.
So we do the waiting dance, again. What are the steps?
You get the point...shake-shake.
So we do the waiting dance, again. What are the steps?
You get the point...shake-shake.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Today the judge asked Duni to return tomorrow to discuss our case and assign a court date. The agency believes that TOMORROW will be the day.
Please continue praying that our God would BURDEN the judge's heart for Micah David, that she would see his sweet face in her dreams, that she would release him as soon as humanly possible into the loving arms of the parents who have longed for him for over 2 years.
Please continue praying that our God would BURDEN the judge's heart for Micah David, that she would see his sweet face in her dreams, that she would release him as soon as humanly possible into the loving arms of the parents who have longed for him for over 2 years.
"6 You will surely forget your trouble,
recalling it only as waters gone by.
17 Life will be brighter than noonday,
and darkness will become like morning.
18 You will be secure, because there is hope;
you will look about you and take your rest in safety."
We long for rest, for brightness, for this affliction to be as waters gone by...and for our sweet, sweet Micah David.
recalling it only as waters gone by.
17 Life will be brighter than noonday,
and darkness will become like morning.
18 You will be secure, because there is hope;
you will look about you and take your rest in safety."
We long for rest, for brightness, for this affliction to be as waters gone by...and for our sweet, sweet Micah David.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A Few More Days
This is our update from the Director of the Program.
"Just wanted to touch base to let you know that everything went great today submitting your documents to court. They have not issued a court date yet for your family. Duni will be speaking with the judge tomorrow, but it may still be another two to three days or so before we know the official date.
"Just wanted to touch base to let you know that everything went great today submitting your documents to court. They have not issued a court date yet for your family. Duni will be speaking with the judge tomorrow, but it may still be another two to three days or so before we know the official date.
I will call you as soon as I hear. Duni wanted me to share with you that she will literally get on her knees in front of the judge, if she needs to, to plead for the earliest date possible for your family. We are doing all we can. Hang in there, we are praying for your family."
Micah's paperwork is in a judge's hands. PRAY HARD THAT SHE WILL DEAL GRACIOUSLY!!!
"Concerning things to come, do you question me about my children, or give me orders about the work of my hand? IT IS I WHO MADE THE EARTH, AND CREATED MANKIND UPON IT." Isaiah 45
We are CHOOSING JOY from this moment on. We are praising God today that our paperwork is in the judges hands and that He is working with His hands.
Today's The Day
Last night I prayed this prayer for Micah's court appointment and Jadyn Sapp's final court date.
These are YOUR children. You are the Father of the fatherless. Your mighty right hand has saved your people from slavery, led them in the wilderness, rebuked, comforted, saved, and was finally nailed to cross for us all.
USE YOUR HANDS to melt and mold and pierce the heart of the judge tomorrow for YOUR CHILDREN. We have laid them on the altar of your grace and mercy time and time again, and time and time again we have been rebuffed. 3 times now, as Moses before Pharaoh, we have requested that they be released. Now is the time to ACT, to work with your mighty right hand and release our children. We do not ask this from our own righteousness but because of your grace and mercy, because your son loves us and told us to ask.
I don't know why we have been chosen to carry these children, to walk this road of burden and affliction, or even why you love us but you have been faithful throughout. Prove yourself faithful evermore tomorrow by saving our children by your mighty right hand. It is YOU who have saves. It is YOU who redeems. REDEEM! It is YOU who deserve the glory and honor for the lives of your chosen ones. To you alone be all honor and glory and praise.
Father, I admit that I am so weary and my flesh wants to give up. I don't think I can take one more day of separation from my son. I don't think I can take one more closed door, one more piece of bad news, one more worldly problem holding me back from the son of my heart. How many times have I cried out to you only to hear silence? I have remembered you of OLD as you command but need you in the PRESENT TODAY.
I don't understand why your justice has taken so long for these children. I don't understand why equity has not applied to them until now, why they have been set apart and dealt so harshly with by this world. But you do. You are a God of justice, righteousness, and equity. Deal EQUITABLY with our children tomorrow. Show your justice to all through Jadyn and Micah.
I confess that I fear tomorrow. I fear the decisions of man. I fear bad news and heartache and time. I know I am not alone in this. Cover our fears with your right hand and hide us in the cleft of YOU as YOU are our rock eternal.
I will bless your name this day, Father, as I have no other choice. There is no where else to turn, nothing else to say, no Word yet to read. This is my purpose and I will walk it. Just give me the grace for each step.
Today, I am tired in so many ways. I have nothing left to offer as I have laid my life and the life of my son on the altar. I have nothing left to pray as I have said it all.
The only words I have left are DEAL GRACIOUSLY.
These are YOUR children. You are the Father of the fatherless. Your mighty right hand has saved your people from slavery, led them in the wilderness, rebuked, comforted, saved, and was finally nailed to cross for us all.
USE YOUR HANDS to melt and mold and pierce the heart of the judge tomorrow for YOUR CHILDREN. We have laid them on the altar of your grace and mercy time and time again, and time and time again we have been rebuffed. 3 times now, as Moses before Pharaoh, we have requested that they be released. Now is the time to ACT, to work with your mighty right hand and release our children. We do not ask this from our own righteousness but because of your grace and mercy, because your son loves us and told us to ask.
I don't know why we have been chosen to carry these children, to walk this road of burden and affliction, or even why you love us but you have been faithful throughout. Prove yourself faithful evermore tomorrow by saving our children by your mighty right hand. It is YOU who have saves. It is YOU who redeems. REDEEM! It is YOU who deserve the glory and honor for the lives of your chosen ones. To you alone be all honor and glory and praise.
Father, I admit that I am so weary and my flesh wants to give up. I don't think I can take one more day of separation from my son. I don't think I can take one more closed door, one more piece of bad news, one more worldly problem holding me back from the son of my heart. How many times have I cried out to you only to hear silence? I have remembered you of OLD as you command but need you in the PRESENT TODAY.
I don't understand why your justice has taken so long for these children. I don't understand why equity has not applied to them until now, why they have been set apart and dealt so harshly with by this world. But you do. You are a God of justice, righteousness, and equity. Deal EQUITABLY with our children tomorrow. Show your justice to all through Jadyn and Micah.
I confess that I fear tomorrow. I fear the decisions of man. I fear bad news and heartache and time. I know I am not alone in this. Cover our fears with your right hand and hide us in the cleft of YOU as YOU are our rock eternal.
I will bless your name this day, Father, as I have no other choice. There is no where else to turn, nothing else to say, no Word yet to read. This is my purpose and I will walk it. Just give me the grace for each step.
Today, I am tired in so many ways. I have nothing left to offer as I have laid my life and the life of my son on the altar. I have nothing left to pray as I have said it all.
The only words I have left are DEAL GRACIOUSLY.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Prayer of the Heartbroken
We don't understand this journey and we can't see what you are doing. In this darkness we are consumed with sadness and fear. In this darkness we feel all alone.
In this darkness when we can't see with your eyes, we will trust in your hands.
We trust your hands to squeeze the hearts that need squeezing, to mold the hearts that need molding, to move the mountains that need moving, to bind the souls that need binding, to release the children we so desperately need released.
Father, squeeze, mold, push, move, bind, ACT with your might hands.
And, when you're done, please put our hearts gently back together as they have broken once again for your children.
We don't understand this journey and we can't see what you are doing. In this darkness we are consumed with sadness and fear. In this darkness we feel all alone.
In this darkness when we can't see with your eyes, we will trust in your hands.
We trust your hands to squeeze the hearts that need squeezing, to mold the hearts that need molding, to move the mountains that need moving, to bind the souls that need binding, to release the children we so desperately need released.
Father, squeeze, mold, push, move, bind, ACT with your might hands.
And, when you're done, please put our hearts gently back together as they have broken once again for your children.
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